Monday 19 December 2011

My Barbara Kruger Assignment

Reflection Questions

1. What I see in my Barbara Kruger assignment is that it is a woman with a strawberry in her hands. Also, I made the picture half inverted.

2.The letters in my assignment are "Beauty is Abstract" and what that means is that beauty is in different forms. Beauty is not always the skinny people that look like a stick, it comes in any shapes and sizes.

3. To me my picture looks real good and i really like it because the picture matches the quote and the colours make the quote show more. If the lettering was red I think it could pass as a Barbara Kruger's art

Monday 12 December 2011

Barbara Krugar Pieces of Art Questions

"Thinking of You"
a. In this picture it has some ones hands putting a safety pin in the other hands finger.
b. the message of "Thinking of You" what i think it saying that it hurts whenever i think
of you, that is why the hand is stabbing the other hand with a safety pin. opinion on the message is pretty good and the piocture matchwes the message.

Friday 9 December 2011

Reflection for My Re-created Game of Moon Lander

What I Like Most

What I like most about my game is that the levels are the same but different. My favourite level is the third level with my creative mountain that looks like a dog. Also, to make the paraglider move matches with the whole situation. Wind and also, the paraglider moves the way the wind pushes like a real paraglider would move if they wanted to move left or right.

What I could improve

What I could improve on is how the paraglider looks. He doesn't look that real. I could have worked more on his movement and the way he looks to make him more life like. also, the way he dies. maybe like flying away or maybe flatten to the ground

How is this game an improvement upon the origional?

The game is an improvement from the original because my game is more difficult not that much but still a little difficult. also, mine is more colourful and i think the more colour they are the more cooler they become.

Monday 28 November 2011

Re-designing Moonlander Ideas

These are some of the ideas that i have for the moon lander game:

-A kite landing in a grass field and the wind being the fuel and if the kite doesn't land properly the kite would break. Also electric wires that could destroy the kite in a jolt of electricity as a way to die in the game. the background could be a field of flowers with a mountain or a house or a city since of the electric wires.

- Or a paraglider falling in a field with water around and the paraglider would sink in the water or crash into a mountain since the landmark of the original has mountains, like the picture has it. The background has a mountain and their would be palm trees to make it harder for the paraglider to land on the landing pads. Also, with the wind also being the fuel

In the end though I am doing the paraglider because it would be easier for me to create the idea.

Thursday 17 November 2011

My Phototext!! =P



My Reflection

I like most about the three pictures is that the lyrics match the picture without saying what the picture is doing. What I could improve is that I could improve getting more colour and making the picture come out more to match the lyric more. The most successful one would be my first one or my last one because they both look really good to me and they work perfectly with the lyrics. but if i had to choose one it would be the third one because it looks really good to me.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Thursday 13 October 2011

My New Invention: The Wireless Stretchable Projector Keyboard!!! ( =^P )

What I found most successful on my wireless stretchable projectile keyboard is the body because it was the easiest and was not hard to create. The least successful part of my invention is the legs because it was hard to make the legs look like mechanical legs. Also, i think it would be a great invention for the future because for people that have very bad eye sight can stretch the keyboard to make it bigger to see.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Grade 11 Media Arts Utopian Invention Design Assignment

1. My reason for Leonardo Da Vinci creating the inventions was because he was an inventor. He mind was probably filling with ideas that he wish to accomplish before he died.

2.One of his inventions that I think impacted our world today is his flying machines design because now we are able to traval across the world in 12 hours instead of 3 months.

List Of My Inventions:
-Pocket Size Backpack- A backpack that fits in your pocket and carries everything you need for school.
-Sleepwear Headband- for people that can't sleep well, connects to nevous system to make the wearer sleep
-Stretchable Wireless Keyboard-able to make board bigger for people with bad eye sight and type then        shrink it and put into pocket

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

My Alter Ego!! =)

This image shows my alter ego because it has me in it for starters. Then it has my exciting side that not a lot of people know about, the roller coaster and the mask, and the spider tells my fear. Then the girl with the sword is my cool dream to become a superhero and the microphone and stereo tells that I love to sing and to get real loud. The man on the surf board tells my more realistic dream to surf. Also, the Big Ben clock tells that I would like to go to my dad’s home country. The group of friends shows that I would like to be more sociable and that to be helpful to them whenever I can.
is the exciting area, the roller coaster and the mask because it shows something most people don’t know about. I am really a scardy cat and that I can’t even watch a horror movie but I love to be first in a haunted house. I don’t know why but I do and I go on every ride at an amusement park, if I could I would ride all day. The least successful part of my alter ego is my own face because it is not really creative. It doesn’t have anything exciting to it or anything.
If I could do this project again I would change my own picture and the background because I would like to do an action instead of me staring out into space. Also the background is plain so I would try to put more action to it like my personality, and the color of the pictures to.

Thursday 15 September 2011

My Hidden Self

      Some things people don't know about me is that I like to daydream, when i'm confortable I am load at home, I love to sing real load and I am terrified of spiders. Mainly, I'm an extreme person. I love riding rollarcoasters and being first in haunted houses or else theres no fun. My friends would say about me would be that I am nice, sometimes quiet and has spirit. My wishes was that i could be more sociable to others and make new friends. Also I wish to be more helpful to others. Some of my unrealistic dreams is to be a superhero that has a big sword. Also, I think it would be awesome to be a mermaid and to back in time and see the old Era of Japan. To be more realistic I would like to go surfing, and to go to England. 

Finished Art

Brush Art =)

Eraser Art =P