Friday 23 September 2011

My Alter Ego!! =)

This image shows my alter ego because it has me in it for starters. Then it has my exciting side that not a lot of people know about, the roller coaster and the mask, and the spider tells my fear. Then the girl with the sword is my cool dream to become a superhero and the microphone and stereo tells that I love to sing and to get real loud. The man on the surf board tells my more realistic dream to surf. Also, the Big Ben clock tells that I would like to go to my dad’s home country. The group of friends shows that I would like to be more sociable and that to be helpful to them whenever I can.
is the exciting area, the roller coaster and the mask because it shows something most people don’t know about. I am really a scardy cat and that I can’t even watch a horror movie but I love to be first in a haunted house. I don’t know why but I do and I go on every ride at an amusement park, if I could I would ride all day. The least successful part of my alter ego is my own face because it is not really creative. It doesn’t have anything exciting to it or anything.
If I could do this project again I would change my own picture and the background because I would like to do an action instead of me staring out into space. Also the background is plain so I would try to put more action to it like my personality, and the color of the pictures to.

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